Plonker at 3 O'clock

Now, I've always known my husband is a little odd (he married me, didn't he?) but I discovered a new reason to believe this to be true the other day.
Somehow we ended up having a conversation with some friends about which way is '3 O'clock' if you are trying to describe direction to someone (like if someone says - "gorgeous guy at 3 O'clock", for example). Everyone in the room without exception - apart from Sam, and his little sister Jo (equally odd) - thought that 12 O'clock is out infront of you, 3 O'clock to your right, 6 O'clock behind you, 9 O'clock to the left. Of course, this is the correct way.
Sam and his delusional sibling both thought (for differing reasons) that 12 was behind you, 6 out in front, 3 to the left and 9 to the right. Jo went as far as to say that she imagined that she actually became the clock and then imagined the clock lying down flat. I still don't understand why anyone in their right mind would think this, but there you go.
What is interesting is that the misinformed pair are actually related, which got me thinking whether there was some sort of faulty gene involved here, or at the very least, their brains operate differently from the rest of us.
I'd love to know if I have any other friends in the whole world who think like they do, or are they really as special as I have always thought? Comments, as always please!
By the way - Sam and Jo - I do love you both really. Life would be very boring if we were all the same :)